Papyrus of Ani
The heart is as we know, central to survival, but from another perspective, also essential in order to speak with a true voice as the old Egyptians would have put it. In our modern life it is indeed very difficult, and I have met many very intelligent colleagues who never the less only speaks from their brains. Unfortunately our way of living doesn’t embrace or understand the meaning to truly connect the “heart” and the mind. By doing that, we accept the fact that we are immortal souls trying to gather some physical experience in our mortal bodies. Our physical existence is deliberately challenging since our environment is excellent in order to create attachments and produce illusions of a world that reward selfishness and detach us from what is believed to be a life without any scientifical proof of higher spiritual existence.
It is therefore with great pleasure I have translated the papyrus of Anis 175th chapter with beautiful hieroglyphs created by Mark Millmore. With these more than 3 200 years old words, we get a glimpse of the fact that for the Egyptians a belief in a life after death wasn’t just a hope. It gave life itself purpose and meaning, and every act affected other lives to come.
These two passages shown, prove the identity of the belief in eternal life in the XVIIIth and the Vth and VIth dynasties.
In this chapter the deceased is represented as having come to a place remote and far away, where there is neither air to breathe nor water to drink, but where he holds converse with Temu, the evening form av Ra.
“How long have I to live?”
The great god of Anu answers:
'Thou shalt exist for million s of million s of years , a period of million s of years .
In the 84th chapter, the infinite duration of the past and the future existence of the soul, as well as its divine nature, is procalimed by Ani in the words:
I have deliberately changed the hieroglyph of the word 'my soul' an simplified with Ka. A human bird, Ba, is the hieroglyph for soul. The correct hieroglyph for soul is a basket, an ox and a sitting person.
Reference: The Book of The Dead by E.A Wallis Budge © University Books 1960 originally published 1895